
St. Kitts
Southern Peninsula

A great early morning walk.

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Southern Peninsula Hike

Until a new highway was completed in 1990, the only way to reach the narrow southern tip of St. Kitts was by boat or by walking. This once remote area is fast becoming a popular beach-bar-watersports area.

For serious hikers, this is the place to go. Carry plenty of water and snacks. There may be some opportunities to stop at a beach bar but you may want to avoid the increasing crowds.

Sad to see this area undergo more development but it's more surprising it didn't happen much sooner.

What to expect

2.5 hours each way. Length: 5 miles one way. Difficulty: 2-3. Take water & snacks. Trailhead: Begin at Frigate Bay, once a favorite dueling ground but now a popular golf course. The pathway is obvious and should present no problem.

The Hike

This stark, desert-like terrain is very different from the lush forests of the north. The main reason for taking this walk is the spectacular ocean views of the Atlantic pounding against the coastline and the possibility of seeing monkeys, wild donkeys and deer.

On early summer mornings it's also possible to find a sea turtle still in the process of laying its eggs.

The vegetation becomes scrubbier as the terrain flattens out the farther south you go. Wear a bathing suit to take advantage of the beautiful empty beaches.

Also bring something to drink because this open walk can be quite hot, though a small restaurant at the southernmost tip serves drinks.

The salt ponds near the end of the peninsula were the main salt source for many Kittians and Nevisians. In your wanderings, you may also pass the ruins of an old windmill tower.

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