Trail Part 1 St. John |
What do the petroglyphs depict? And who carved them? | ||||
16. The Petroglyph Trail Length:
0.2 miles. Time: 15 minutes, round trip. Difficulty:
1. Trailhead: This trail starts 1.5 miles, or about
fifty minutes, from the beginning of the Reef Bay Trail on Centerline
Road . The trailhead is marked and much of the path borders an old stone
wall. After a 5-minute
walk from the main Reef Bay Trail, the path leads to a small freshwater
pool formed by a gut, or streambed, known as the Living Gut.
In the rainy season, you can sometimes enjoy the view of a waterfall.
The petroglyphs
are difficult to see, only faint impressions in the rock
at the pool waterline. They vary in shape, style and location and it's
likely that each new group of inhabitants left their own graffiti. The first inhabitants
lived in the Reef Bay Valley around 3,000 years ago. They were hunter-gatherers
who were replaced by an agricultural group that arrived about 1,000
years later. Petroglyph Pool
may hold a bombshell secret. Robert McCartor,
a former history professor at Texas Tech who's made proving his theory
a lifelong project, explains his theory about the Fat God.