
Hurricane Activity
By Month

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Hurricane Activity By Month

Fortunately, not all hurricane months have the same amount of activity. Yet because hurricane season officially starts the first of June, the same month schools start their summer vacations, many families understandably are wary about when to plan Caribbean travel.

Or whether they even should. Why not visit Orlando, theme park capital of the world, where you shouldn't have the same concerns.

It doesn't work that way. Orlando (and all of Florida) are subject to the same kind of hurricane activity as the Caribbean. Storms that visit the islands often end their journey in Florida, along the Gulf coast or the U.S. Southeast.

BUT where these storms traditionally land by month varies significantly based on whether they tend to originate off Africa or in the Gulf itself.

Here are the trends for the busiest months and hurricane strike patterns as recorded by NOAA over the decades:

Hurricane Peak Season

Hurricane Strike Path Map Since 1851

Hurricane Classifications

Hurricane Strike Paths For June

Hurricane Strike Paths For July

Hurricane Strike Paths For August

Hurricane Strike Paths For September

Hurricane Strike Paths For October

Hurricane Strike Paths For November

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